Depression is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. It causes feelings of sadness and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems.

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Acupuncture for Depression

While depression often responds well to medication and therapy, about one-third of people with the condition have treatment-resistant depression (TRD). These people may manage their depression with acupuncture therapy.

As research has demonstrated acupuncture triggers the release of chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain that activate the body’s natural healing processes. Therefore, acupuncture promotes general physical and emotional well-being. 

Studies have shown that acupuncture has positive effects in dealing with depression.

This is achieved by the changes caused in the biochemistry of the brain, increasing the levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and endorphins. Dopamine, noradrenaline, cortisol and neuropeptide Y pathways are involved in depression-related brain biochemistry and may explain the beneficial effect of acupuncture.

Stimulating specific points on the body with acupuncture, affects the area of the brain associated with pain and stress reduction. It promotes relaxation and deactivates the “analytical brain” which is responsible for anxiety and sadness.

Western medicine can be supplemented and its effects enhanced by the use of acupuncture. Furthermore, antidepressant medications can be safely combined with acupuncture.

  • Fan L, Fu W, Chen Z, Xu N, Liu J, Lü A, Su S, Wu T, Ou A. Curative effect of acupuncture on quality of life in patient with depression: a clinical randomized single-blind placebo-controlled study. J Tradit Chin Med. 2016 Apr;36(2):151-9.
  • Deng D, Liao H, Duan G, Liu Y, He Q, Liu H, Tang L, Pang Y, Tao J. Modulation of the Default Mode Network in First-Episode, Drug-Naïve Major Depressive Disorder via Acupuncture at Baihui (GV20) Acupoint. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016 May.
  • Becker H, Stuifbergen AK, Schnyer RN, Morrison JD, Henneghan A. Integrating Acupuncture Within a Wellness Intervention for Women With Multiple Sclerosis: A Feasibility Study. J Holist Nurs. 2016 May 9.
  • Geib J, Rieger MA, Joos S, Eschweiler GW, Metzger FG. Implementation of auricular acupuncture by the NADA protocol in geriatric patients suffering from major depression : A mixed methods feasibility study]. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2016 May 4.
  • Tanahashi N, Takagi K, Amagasu N, Wang G, Mizuno K, Kawanoguchi J, Yi G, Ishida T. Effect of acupuncture stimulation on rats with depression induced by water-immersion stress. Neurosci Lett. 2016.