LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) acupuncture is the application of acupuncture using the special device EY-LLLT at  EYiasis ENT centre. This method may treat Rhinitis, Nasal blockage and a runny nose.

It is a completely painless treatment, without side effects and suitable for children.

Acupuncture with EY-LLLT is a new method for a completely painless treatment. Fiber optics create an equivalent needle that allows, the excitation of up to 10 acupoints, in the sense of traditional acupuncture.

EY-LLLT for Rhinitis and Nasal Blockage.ent

EY-LLLT for Rhinitis and Nasal Blockage

Acupuncture with EY-LLLT emits specific light which directly affects specific receptors in the cell and stimulates the so-called cellular metabolism. This causes  reduction of inflammation and swelling of the nasal chambers in conditions such as allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis or other forms of nasal congestion and runny nose.

Acupuncture with EY-LLLT can be used as a single method or in combination with Medical acupuncture to further enhance the therapeutic effect. The treatment is supplemented with intranasal EY-LLLT for the local regulation of the nasal mucosa.


  • Li K, Huang W, Li RJ, Feng XC, Chen Z, Tan SY, Xie MF, Huang JP, Liu RJ, Li YY. Efficacy and safety of self-administered acupressure on symptoms, quality of life and nasal mucosal function in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis: study protocol for a randomized controlled exploratory trial. BMC Complement Med Ther. 2023 Aug 30;23(1):304.
  • Jung HJ, Chung YJ, Choi YS, Chung PS, Mo JH. Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Low-Level Laser Therapy in Patients with Perennial Allergic Rhinitis: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. J Clin Med. 2021 Feb 15;10(4):772.