The benefits of Intravenous Low-level-laser-therapy include: Boosting cellular energy by increase of ATP synthesis, increasing levels of lymphocyte activity…
Low Level Laser Therapy is a is a rapidly growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing,
The Strengthening of your Brain and increasing your Mental Ability and Memory is brought about by the beneficial therapy using Infrared Light.
Nasal polyps are non-cancerous masses that develop in the lining of the nasal cavities and usually originate from the ethmoid sinuses.
A sore throat (pharyngitis) is one of the main reasons for visiting the doctor, especially in winter. Pain, irritation or scratchiness of…
For people struggling with anxiety, acupuncture can be a game-changer. In one study, researchers found that just eight weeks of acupuncture treatments
The Benefits of Acupuncture can be witnessed through the practice of triggering certain points on the skin with needles, in order…
What are the Symptoms of Noise Induced Hearing loss? The main features are hearing loss and buzzing (tinnitus). The patient describes it as a “stuffy ear”….
Light energy is then absorbed by different types of brain cells to trigger a broad range of intra-cellular effects. The most Important Effect….
An overactive immune system may possibly help to explain the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. Scientists studied 55 patients with hepatitis C who were given
Excess weight and body fat pose important health risks, especially when the excess fat accumulates around the abdomen, as it reflects the internal image of…
Tinnitus and Hyperacusis: Hearing loss often triggers an inescapable buzz and causes everyday sounds to become intolerably loud, but exactly how this…
Vertigo Diagnostic tests. Nystagmus examinationwith with Frenzl glasses, Dix Hallpike positional examination, Head impulse test…
Vestibular rehabilitation (VR) is a specialized form of therapy intended to alleviate both the primary and secondary problems caused by vestibular disorders…
Beneficial Effects and Antiviral properties of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Extra Virgin Olive oil may exert beneficial effects on the human health and…
Tinnitus sounds are monotonous continuous or intermittent sounds that can go away and come back. At the EYiasis ENT Center you can improve tinnitus…
Separating the symptoms of the common cold from those of Influenza can sometimes be difficult, but, in general, people with a common cold,…
The application of LLLT works by inducing a photochemical reactions in cells, a process referred to as Biostimulation or photobiomodulation…
Mechanisms responsible for the therapeutic effect of EY-LLLT take place at the cellular or even intra-cellular levels, therefore, their therapeutic results…
The effects of EY- LLLT on the body are multiple and very beneficial. It Repairs cell DNA, it Activates the mitochondria, collagen production is increased…
Having said that, treatment and management therapies are available at EYiasis Neuro-otology Department, that can help reduce the impact of tinnitus….
Photobiomodulation is a non-thermal process involving endogenous chromophores eliciting photophysical and photochemical events at various biological scales.
Sometimes patients may complain about various irregular ear clicking noises, such as: vibrations in ear, clicking noise in the ear when swallowing….
Acoustic trauma is an injury to the inner ear that’s often caused by exposure to a sudden high-decibel noise, such as an explosion or…
Some earwax is good for your ears, so often the best policy is to leave it alone. And a few drops of water may be all you need to get rid of a blockage.
Transcranial Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is the direct irradiation of the human brain, using a Laser Helmet, with highly focused infrared lasers…
Disorders grouped under the general term “dementia” are caused by abnormal brain changes. These changes trigger a decline in cognitive abilities…
Immunotherapy treatment is based on a century-old concept that the immune system can be desensitized to specific allergens that trigger allergy symptoms.
The nose is a complex organ with multiple functions. It forms the beginning of the respiratory tract, The nose receives olfactory stimuli…
Oral thrush also called oral candidiasis, is a condition in which the fungus Candida albicans accumulates on the lining of your oral tissue.
Snoring is the hoarse or harsh sound that occurs when breathing is obstructed in some way while sleeping. Sometimes snoring…
Nose-bleeds can occur at any age but are most common in children aged 2 to 10. 60% of the general population has had at least one episode of a bleeding nose.
Many of us take our sense of taste for granted, but taste disorders can have a negative effect on your health and quality of life…
What causes Tinnitus? Tinnitus is the sound that one perceives in the ears or head, without any external sound source.The sound that one hears is…
Tonsillitis is an infection in one or both tonsils. One sign is the swelling of the tonsils and a sore throat. Tonsils are masses of tissue that….
How does acupuncture affect the body? Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals…
Acupuncture points are located at sites where stimulation can affect the activity of multiple sensory neurons. These sites are also known as receptive fields
Acupuncture is very helpful in the treatment of many respiratory conditions, as well as chronic coughing. It regulates the production of secretions…
Hearing is an integral part of communication and therefore, plays an important role in an individual’s quality of life….
Acupuncture as a scientific therapeutic approach with an effective ability to relieve trigeminal neuralgia. It is an extremely effective and safe method…
Acupuncture can be used alongside convectional therapy to minimize the symptoms of facial palsy and to speed up recovery. Idiopathic Facial Palsy.,..
Acupuncture seems to be effective in treating several cardiac arrhythmia. According to several studies that were reviewed, most of participants converted to…
For Depression, research has demonstrated acupuncture triggers the release of chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain that activate…
Acupuncture helps to restore the body’s balance, while if combined with changes in diet and lifestyle can reduce the symptoms caused by psoriasis
Research indicates that certain modes of acupuncture improves postoperative pain after surgery and reduces opioid use…
Acupuncture improves the functioning of the mind with a holistic approach, increasing focused thinking, memory, attention while reducing nervousness
Allergic rhinitis, also called hay fever, is an allergic reaction that causes sneezing, congestion, itchy nose and sore throat.
Longevity: Recent research has shown that exercise, even a little, extends life. It is is beneficial for well-being…
Psoriasis is a skin disease caused by a weak immune system that affects people aged 11 to 45 years old. It is characterized by a rash with itchy,
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an illness characterized by severe disabling fatigue lasting for at
least six months that worsens…
Dizziness, vertigo and disequilibrium are common symptoms reported by many adults during visits to their doctors. A healthy vestibular system…
Respiratory Disease caused by smoking kill more than 480,000 people in the U.S. each year, according to the CDC. In fact, smoking is directly responsible for…
There is no safe level of exposure to passive smoking; even brief exposure can cause immediate harm. By inhaling smoke, non-smokers are exposed….
Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Blood Treatment Technique with ultraviolet (UV) radiation has been widely recognized, and in fact in 1903 UV…
A runny nose and a blocked nose are the most common symptoms of a common cold. An easy solution, albeit a temporary one, is the decongestant nasal spray…
Tinnitus is caused when a particular frequency range in the cochlea is damaged and no longer sends information to the brain. The frequencies near the….
What makes tinnitus worse? Τinnitus is an issue that builds gradually for some people. For others, it can present itself quite suddenly….
Headaches are a very common condition that most people will experience many times during their lives. The main symptom of a headache is…
Nasal Irrigation can benefit people who have sinus problems, nasal allergies, colds, and even flu symptoms. It can help both adults and kids.
The smoking cessation protocol consists of six medical sessions. During the first session, a complete medical history is taken,
EYiasis Department of Vertigo and Balance Disorders addresses all patients, regardless of age, who suffer from dizziness, vertigo and unsteadiness.
To identify the cause of a migraine, we must backtrack a few days and hours before its onset. Warning signs may be identified, such…
Acupuncture has been used for relief of acute illness, like pain, dizziness and vertig. It is considered one of the best and permanent treatments for vertigo.
What is PPPD or Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness? It is a condition which causes non-spinning dizziness and unsteadiness provoked by…
The protocol for smoking cessation consists of six sessions. In addition, other medical and psychological issues that may exist, are also dealt with…
Mouth soreness, also referred to as mouth burning syndrome (MBS), is characterized by chronic burning pain in the tongue, lips, palate….
Fortunately, for those suffering from Temporomandibular Joint Disorders, acupuncture is extremely helpful in relieving the inflammation, pain and tension….
Organic oregano essential oil has a particularly high content of carvacrol (> 86%) which proves to be a significant inhibitor of COVID-19.
Allergic rhinitis is a disease that affects many people around the world and 10% in our country. Treating allergic rhinitis is…
Acupuncture with EY-LLLT is a new method for a completely painless treatment of rhinitis and nasal blockage. This causes reduction…
How does smoking affect the brain, that is, how does the brain experience nicotine addiction? Help the brain overcome the addiction….
Chronic sinusitis with or without Nasal Polyps, is a long-lasting sinus inflammation and infection. The sinuses can become infected when they…
The therapeutic results of EY-LLLT include a strong immunosuppressive effect[2], hence decrease in inflammation and infections of the body.
Treating symptoms of Nasal polyps and CRS can sometimes be disappointing and tiresome, so many patients search for alternative medical…
Nicotine affects the neurons of the brain, artificially increasing the levels of dopamine – which is the hormone causing euphoria.
The use of e-cigarettes and Vaping, in adolescents and young adults is associated with an increased risk of Covid-19 infection, according to…
Unusual sounds (or vibrations), like tinnitus, in one or both ears that may occur suddenly and can last from a few minutes to weeks, which are described…
Scientists have confirmed the existence of energy meridians, throughout the body which form an integral part of traditional systems of medicine such as….
To quit smoking, medical acupuncture is the most effective, immediate and safe, chemical-free method used worldwide. The heavier the smoker….
Influenza, known as the flu, is a respiratory infection caused by a virus, which can be identified with a Rapid Influenza Test.
Vocal fatigue is the progressively increasing effort to speak or sing, accompanied by a progressive decrease in vocal ability. It can be felt as…
Our voice is produced by the most seductive human organ, the larynx. Our larynx has multiple tasks as it participates in speech, breathing and swallowing.
Gemmotherapy can be used alone or in combination with other therapeutic methods. Gemmotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that uses the embryological tissues
We know that no treatment is effective if it takes place in a toxic cellular environment. Gemmotherapy is holistic therapeutic method..
Gemmotherapy is a holistic therapeutic method, affecting the whole body. Thus, it helps in the self-detoxification of cells…
EY-LLLT endo-auricular laser therapy along with an acupuncture protocol for tinnitus and hyperacusis is applied at our neuro-otology department.
For the investigation of Tinnitus and Hyperacusis a certain algorithm is followed at the neuro-otology department of EYiasis
When some sounds are intrusively loud, the term hyperacusis is generally applied. These everyday sounds are experienced loudly, and sometimes painfully.
Glue ear is a very common condition in preschool children, resulting in small to moderate transient hearing loss. Glue ear (secretory otitis media….
Almost 40% of the adult Greek population has gastrointestinal reflux symptoms, but only 10% are aware of it. Many patients with laryngopharyngeal….
Hypercusis may negatively impact a patient’s quality of life! Diagnosistic assessment of hyperacusis should conducted by a specialised ENT-Neurootologist…
Therapeutic medical acupuncture in chronic fatigue syndrome is very effective in relieving the symptoms of feeling tired and sleepy. Special, fine needles…
Vertigo is a symptom, rather than a condition itself. It’s the sensation that you, or the environment around you, is moving or spinning.
Clinical Examination for Coughing & Voice Pathology. Clinical Examination Includes:Clinical Examination Includes:
Complete ENT evaluation, Laryngeal….
Clinical Assessment of Sudden Hearing Loss & Tinnitus. Clinical evaluation includes: Complete ENT evaluation,
Otological assessment: Auricle,
Clinical Evaluation of Vertigo-Dizziness what is at fault! Vertigo, is a severe symptom that comes without warning and causes panic and disorientation.
Clinical Assessment for Migraines and Headaches. The extent of the exam depends on many factors, including the initial problem…
The assessment for sinusitis is based on the patient’s history and endoscopy of the nose, using a special endoscope and camera.
Never attempt to dig out excessive or hardened earwax with a cotton swab or a hairpin. The safest way for ear wax removal
is at an ENT specialist.
Diagnostic examination tests with Modern technology diagnostic equipment, for the entire Otorhinolaryngological examination…
Acoustic neuroma (or vestibular schwannoma) is a benign slow-growing tumor that develops on the main (vestibular) nerve leading from the inner ear to the brain.
Passive smoking is a serious health risk for both those who smoke and those who do not. Children are particularly at risk of serious health effects from…
Multiple clinical trials on the effects of Medical Acupuncture have shown that it successfully treats a variety of pathological conditions.
Occupational and professional voice users such as actors, singers and teachers, are at greater risk for developing Vocal disorders…
Techniques to Equalize Ear Pressure when diving is very important in order to avoid pain and sometimes lasting damage to the ear.
In order for the diver to enjoy diving, it is important that some precautions be taken. Most diving problems can be avoided if the prospective diver….
Diving can be a truly unique experiences. However, three different areas of the ear can all be injured during a diving expedition
The best natural treatments for treating the common cold and the flu are aromatherapy and herbal medicine. The use of certified medical essential oils for…
Acupuncture for Asthma, in collaboration with a patient’s physician, can be supplemented with other treatments, either conventional or alternative.
Stress can be caused by a disturbing situation or thought that causes frustration, anger or irritation. Anxiety refers to excessive that’s hard to control and..
Clinical studies have shown that acupuncture has a beneficial effect on insomnia! Not only does acupuncture help with better sleep but…
Acupuncture is one of the most effective natural remedies for treating stress and anxiety. It restores the body to its optimal health…
Treatment of idiopathic neurosensory hearing loss remains controversial and lacks universally accepted treatment protocol. Many proprietary medicinal products..
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL), commonly known as sudden deafness, occurs as an unexplained, rapid loss of hearing—usually in one ear…
Aging and chronic exposure to loud noises both contribute to hearing loss. Other factors, such as excessive earwax, can temporarily reduce…
Most cases of glue ear don’t require treatment as the condition will improve spontaneously, usually within three months. Nasal lavage…
The Strep-test: is a rapid antigen detection assay to detect the antigen of the bacteria in a pharyngeal smear. The answer will be derived in 10 minutes…
Viral Infection of upper respiratory tract in children: Cough, nasal congestion, runny nose and eyes, sore throats, with or without fever…
The main strategy for the management of allergic rhinitis is avoiding the allergens that cause the symptoms, medicinal therapy, acupuncture, therapeutic…
You may not be able to cure your common cold, but you can make yourself as comfortable as possible. Here are a few tips to consider…
Research has recently found that junk food can lead to neurological changes in the brain that may lead to obesity. An article published in the journal…
Vertigo, is a severe symptom that comes without warning and causes panic and disorientation. During episodes of vertigo the one unable to perform any activity
A thorough clinical examination is carried out by an otorhinolaryngologist for the diagnostic evaluation of allergic rhinitis.
Snoring is a serious problem that can lead to health problems, as well as relationship issues if you happen to share a bed with a snorer…
Sleep apnoea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. If you snore loudly and feel tired..
Vestibular disorders and Balance are determined by a complex combination of information flowing into the brain from the eyes, the labyrinths…
Treatment and management of vertigo depends on what’s causing it. Thus, after a thorough examination the otorhinolaryngologist will determine the etiology…
Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils…
Acupuncture is a natural way to help curb the craving for nicotine when one decides to stop smoking. Acupuncture offers relief, especially in…
Tobacco cravings can wear you down when you’re trying to quit smoking. Sure there will be times when you will be tempted to smoke a cigarette…
Kicking the tobacco habit and quitting smoking offers some benefits that you’ll notice right away and some that will develop over time.
According to recent research, one cigarette is adequate to lead one to adopt smoking as a daily habit. At least 3 out of 5 people who try a cigarette become…
When the mucus runs down the back of the nose to the throat, it’s called post-nasal drip. Normally, the mucus from the nose goes unnoticed…
Vertigo and Dizziness: It is of utmost importance to be accurately diagnosed when symptoms of dizziness or vertigo are troubling you. Even though the…
Many Migraines/ Headaches, are very painful and difficult to manage. Such headaches are tension headaches, cluster headaches and migraines.
A new study suggests that exercise, even a little of it, can lengthen your life. Developing ways to limit sedentary time…
Acupuncture for preventing migraine attacks. Research has often focused on evaluating acupuncture as an option for migraine prevention.
A vestibular migraine or migraine Associated Vertigo is a problem of the nervous system that causes repeated dizziness in people who have…
Tinnitus is a ringing, swishing, or other type of noise that seems to originate in the ear or head. Most people will experience tinnitus …
External Laser Therapy with EY-LLLT involves the use of light within a specific range of wavelengths which leads to the induction of desirable effects…
Aphthous ulcers, commonly referred to as canker sores, are the most common ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa. These are usually painful and are…
Kicking the tobacco habit and quit smoking offers some benefits that you’ll notice right away and some that will develop over time.
Acupuncture helps all those who want to quit smoking but cannot. Acupuncture, in the hands of a skilled practitioner,is a highly effective aid in the…
Auricular acupuncture and auriculotherapy is the therapeutic method using the ear pinna for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases that affect…
Indications for medical acupuncture, as has been determined by the World Health Organization are the following,,,Strengthening the immune system…
Hyperacusis is a hearing disorder that makes it hard to deal with everyday sounds. If you have it, certain sounds may seem unbearably loud even though people…
Starting with a thorough medical exam, the proper diagnosis and evaluation of tinnitus are both critical for successful tinnitus management…
A common cause of tinnitus is inner ear cell damage. Tiny, delicate hairs in your inner ear move in relation to the pressure of sound waves…
Advances in tinnitus research have brought about several new kinds of tinnitus therapy. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy and sound therapy are a few of them…
Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is a form of physical therapy that uses specialized exercises that result in gaze and gait stabilization…
Neuro-otology is closely related to otology, clinical neurology and neurosurgery and is a subspecialty of otolaryngology…
Pre & Post-operative Instructions for Septoplasty/Turbinoplasty which is usually performed under general anesthesia. Patients may be groggy for several hours…
Post-Operative Instructions: The recovery from tonsillectomy is a very painful period, often the worst pain people can recall, so please be understanding…
Nasal septal surgery. Endoscopic sinus surgery (polyposis-chronic sinusitis). Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (snoring- sleep apnea)…
Facial nerve paralysis occurs when a person is no longer able to move some or all of the muscles on one side of the face. The facial nerve is the main
Salivary glands make as much as a quart of saliva each day. Saliva is important to lubricate the mouth, help with swallowing, protect the teeth against…
For a professional voice user voice care and vocal hygiene are very important to be implemented on a daily basis. Careers that depend on…
Vocal cord nodules are benign (noncancerous) growths on both vocal cords that are caused by vocal abuse. They are also known as “singers’ nodules”…
The term Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) refers to the backflow of food or stomach acid all of the way back up into the larynx…
Hoarse Voice refers to a difficulty making sounds when trying to speak. Vocal sounds may be weak, breathy, scratchy, or husky, and the pitch or quality…
Difficulty swallowing also known as dysphagia is the disruption of the normal process of the transfer of food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach…
Coughing occurs when cells along the air passages get irritated and trigger a chain of events. The result is air in the lungs is forced…
HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that can infect the oropharynx (tonsils and back of throat), genitals and anus. HPV spreads by skin-to-skin contact…
Loss of smell (anosmia) can be partial or complete, although a complete loss of smell is fairly rare. Loss of smell can also be…
Nasal polyps are soft, painless, noncancerous growths on the lining of the nasal passages or sinuses. They hang down like teardrops or grapes….
Allergic Rhinitis, also known as Hay Fever, refers to inflammation of the nasal passages. This inflammation can cause a variety of annoying symptoms…
Exostosis is the medical term for an abnormal growth of bone within the ear canal. It is more commonly referred to as swimmer’s or surfer’s ear…
A Perforated Eardrum is a small hole or tear in the tympanic membrane. The tympanic membrane is a thin tissue that divides your middle ear…
Earache can be a sharp, dull or burning ear pain that comes and goes or remains constant. The pain results from inflammation and swelling of…
Scuba diving is an activity that requires good physical condition and completely functional anatomy of the ear, nose and paranasal sinuses…
Vertigo is the feeling that you or your environment is moving , tilting, spinning or falling. It differs from dizziness in that vertigo…
Glue ear is a common childhood condition in which the middle ear becomes filled with fluid. The medical term for glue ear is otitis media with effusion (OME)…
The Ear serves two very important purposes: hearing and balance control. The ear picks up sound waves and transforms them into electrical signals which…
Child ENT specialist knows that children address illness differently. Approaching a child with sensitivity during a medical examination is a key step…
If you believe your child has foreign bodies in their ear, nose or throat, THIS IS AN EMERGENCY. Your child must be evaluated by a healthcare professional…
Adenoids are a mass of lymphoid tissue situated high in the throat behind the nose and the roof of the mouth (soft palate) and are not…
The common cold is a self-limited contagious illness that can be caused by a number of different types of viruses. Sniffles, sneezes…
The basic ENT examination is performed with a frontal headlight and it entails a thorough examination of the ear, oral cavity, face…
The examination of the external ear microscopy significantly increases the diagnostic accuracy and facilitates the monitoring of diseases…
An audiometry evaluation is a painless, noninvasive hearing test that measures a person’s ability to hear different sounds, pitches, or frequencies…
Middle ear examination consists of tympanometry & acoustic reflex measures. Tympanometry assists in the detection of fluid in the middle ear, perforation of…
Acoustic reflex evaluation results make a major contribution to differential diagnosis of hearing disorders. They can provide or confirm…
Tinnitus or the annoying ringing in the ears is investigated with a thorough medical exam and audiological evaluation at the Neurootology Lab of EYiasis…
Assessment of a patient with complaints of vertigo and dizziness requires a thorough history and physical examination in order to determine the actual cause…
Snoring may often indicate a serious health condition called obstructive sleep apnoea, which is hard to identify and a serious health risk…
Olfaction, or sense of smell, which is indirectly related to the perception of taste, is evaluated with smell identification tests, which are very reliable…
Allergy Tests for Allergen Identification are the Skin prick tests. They are safe, rapid and painless tests used to determine an allergic response…
The annoying symptoms of rhinitis; blocked, itchy or runny nose are normally treated conservatively with the appropriate medication, but in some cases…
Diagnostic Endoscopy utilizes an endoscope connected to a camera and recording system to assess the nasal passages, pharynx and larynx…
Phoniatrics: Video documentation of laryngeal anatomy along with its mechanical function is a painless procedure, and is essential…
Swallowing disorders: An endoscopic exam is an office procedure that involves viewing the throat and vocal cords in order to determine…