The term Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) refers to the backflow of food or stomach acid all of the way back up into the larynx (the voice box) or the pharynx (the throat). LPR (silent reflux) can occur during the day or night, even if a person who has LPR hasn’t eaten a thing.
Silent Reflux Can Cause:
- Hoarseness
- A “lump” in the throat
- Trouble swallowing
- Chronic cough
- Too much throat mucus
- Heartburn
There are many symptoms of LPR, all of which relate to sensations in the throat. Fifty percent of people with LPR do not have symptoms of heartburn or indigestion.
Diagnosis of Laryngeal Reflux:
Most often, the ENT surgeon can diagnose LPR through a combination of a medical history and symptom score and a thorough clinical examination of your throat and vocal cords with a rigid or flexible endocope. The voice box is typically red, irritated, and swollen from acid reflux damage. This swelling and inflammation will eventually resolve with medical treatment, although it may take a few months.
Most of the time, LPR is well controlled with medications (Proton Pump Inhibitors, or PPI’s), taken long periods of time.
Silent reflux treatment for adults may include these lifestyle modifications:
- Lose weight, if needed.
- Quit smoking, if you are a smoker.
- Avoid alcohol.
- Restrict chocolate, mints, fats, citrus fruits, carbonated beverages, spicy or tomato-based products, red wine, and caffeine.
- Stop eating at least three hours before going to bed.
- Elevate the head of the bed about 4 to 6 inches.
- Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes around the waist.
- Try chewing gum to increase saliva and neutralize acid
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