The therapeutic results of Low Level Laser Therapy
The therapeutic results of EY-LLLT therapy are due to the delivery of non-thermal photons to the body. EY-LLLT therapy is an innovative therapeutic method applied to a variety of disorders.
The treatment is painless and non-invasive. In addition, it does not emit ionizing radiation, with carcinogenic potential, and has no side effects.
EY-LLLT therapy delivers non-thermal photons to the body directly to the injured cells.Therefore, the cells are then stimulated and respond by increasing their metabolic rate.
Hence, this results in:
- pain relief,
- improved blood circulation,
- enhanced immunity and
- improved healing process.
The Therapeutic results of EY-LLLT or Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) include a strong immunosuppressive effect[2], hence, decrease in inflammation and infections of the body.
The main mechanisms of this method include apoptosis of T lymphocytes and eosinophils, reduction in dendritic cell count and function. Furthermore, induction of immunoregulatory cytokines such as IL-10 [13] is also induced.
EY-LLLT also generates heat in addition to light. Heat can regulate the blood supply to the mucosa and the release of histamine [3].
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