Tinnitus is a ringing, swishing, or other type of noise that seems to originate in the ear or head. Most people will experience tinnitus or sounds in the ears at some time or another.


Tinnitus can be extremely disturbing. In many cases it is not a serious problem, but rather a nuisance that may go away.

In the hunt for effective treatments for tinnitus, a debilitating condition affecting approximately 750 million people worldwide, researchers found that low-level laser (LLLT) therapy outshines other therapies.

Treating tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

With the new innovative EY-LLLT technology a solution was found for treating tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and similar inner ear disorders, such as partial deafness due to tinnitus, ear pressure, morbus Ménière (dizziness), acute hearing loss and hearing distortion.
The treatment with intra-auricular EY-LLLT is completely safe and painless. The light beam even penetrates the deeper subcutaneous layers and works as curative bio-stimulation directly on the metabolism in the connective tissue.
This leads to:
  • rapid regeneration of the hearing cells,
  • stimulation of the immune system,
  • acceleration of cell division and
  • activation of specific defensive molecules
  • hearing improvement and
  • normalization of tinnitus
  • acceleration of tissue reconstruction
  • improvement of micro-circulation


  • Goodman SS, Bentler RA, Dittberner A, Mertes IB. The effect of low-level laser therapy on hearing. ISRN Otolaryngol. 2013 Apr.
  • Ngao CF, Tan TS, Narayanan P, Raman R. The effectiveness of transmeatal low-power laser stimulation in treating tinnitus. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 May;271(5):975-80.
  • Salahaldin AH, Abdulhadi K, Najjar N, Bener A. Low-level laser therapy in patients with complaints of tinnitus: a clinical study. ISRN Otolaryngol. 2012 Apr 9.
  • Teggi R, Bellini C, Piccioni LO, Palonta F, Bussi M. Transmeatal low-level laser therapy for chronic tinnitus with cochlear dysfunction. Audiol Neurootol. 2009;14(2):115-20.