EYiasis is constantly using its best endeavors to ensure that the information published on this website is accurate and up-to-date. The content presented on the website is purely informative. Users should not and are not authorized to undertake or to refrain from undertaking actions based on the materials available on the website. By accessing and using the website, users agree to be bound by these terms of use.
Copyright EYiasis. All rights reserved.
The text, image, graphic, sound, animation and video files, as well as their combination, available on this website are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. They may not be copied for commercial or distribution purposes and may not be modified, regardless of whether or not this modification triggers derivative works, or reproduced on other websites. The content of this website may not be reproduced, downloaded, distributed, published or transferred in any way, without the explicit approval of EYiasis, save as downloading information published on the website for personal use. https://www.ent.gr website may include images that are subject to copyright of their suppliers.
Any data obtained by https://www.ent.gr through this website from users will be used only for the specific purpose for which such data was collected, for statistical or marketing purposes. In case you submit to us questions or suggestions, the personal data thus communicated will be used by EYiasis only for the purpose of responding to such questions or suggestions. Personal data supplied by users for subscribing to EYiasis’ publications will be used only during the subscription period to such publications, until users wish to be unsubscribed from such services in the conditions mentioned for each publication.
EYiasis will not disclose the identity or the personal data of the users of this website to any third party and shall allow users the unrestricted access to such data. Users have to be aware however that the communication of information or personal data through this website might not be secure, due to potential online threats or technical malfunctions. EYiasis shall use all reasonable endeavors to ensure the protection of the information or personal data transmitted through this website, however, users undertake the risk of communicating such information or data through this website.
The information presented on the website are provided by EYiasis “as is” and to the extent allowed by the law, is supplied with no explicit or implied guarantee. Although it is deemed that the supplied information is accurate, it may include at times unintended errors or inconsistencies. EYiasis will use its best endeavors to ensure the accuracy of the content presented on its website, however, users should not rely on any such content to take legal actions without first obtaining professional legal advice. Users that rely on the information presented on this website undertake the risks deriving thereof. EYiasis cannot accept any liability connected with the use of this website or with the delay or inability to use this website, or for the use of any information or materials available on this website, nor for the content of any external websites to which this website refers or is linked to.
EYiasis takes every effort to ensure that the materials available on this website are not likely to generate informatics threats, by using advanced virus protection technologies. It is always wise for users to run anti-virus software when downloading materials from the Internet. EYiasis cannot accept any liability for losses, disruptions or damages caused to the data or computers of the users of this website as a result of downloading or using the materials available thereof.
The Terms of use may be regularly modified or updated, and any such modification or update shall be published on this webpage.