Vertigo – Dizziness

What is Vestibular Rehabilitation?

Vestibular rehabilitation (VR) is a specialized form of therapy intended to alleviate both the primary and secondary problems caused by vestibular disorders…

Vertigo and Disequilibrium

Dizziness, vertigo and disequilibrium are common symptoms reported by many adults during visits to their doctors. A healthy vestibular system…

Vertigo, Dizzy spell, Balance Disorders

EYiasis Department of Vertigo and Balance Disorders addresses all patients, regardless of age, who suffer from dizziness, vertigo and unsteadiness.

PPPD or Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness

What is PPPD or Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness? It is a condition which causes non-spinning dizziness and unsteadiness provoked by…

Vertigo-Dizziness, what could be the problem!

Vertigo is a symptom, rather than a condition itself. It’s the sensation that you, or the environment around you, is moving or spinning.

Clinical Evaluation of Vertigo-Dizziness

Clinical Evaluation of Vertigo-Dizziness what is at fault! Vertigo, is a severe symptom that comes without warning and causes panic and disorientation.

Vertigo. Stop the room from spinning…

Vertigo, is a severe symptom that comes without warning and causes panic and disorientation. During episodes of vertigo the one unable to perform any activity

Vestibular Disorders and Vertigo

Vestibular disorders and Balance are determined by a complex combination of information flowing into the brain from the eyes, the labyrinths…

Management of Vertigo-Dizziness

Treatment and management of vertigo depends on what’s causing it. Thus, after a thorough examination the otorhinolaryngologist will determine the etiology…

How to manage Vertigo and Dizziness

Vertigo and Dizziness: It is of utmost importance to be accurately diagnosed when symptoms of dizziness or vertigo are troubling you. Even though the…

Migraine Associated Vertigo

A vestibular migraine or migraine Associated Vertigo is a  problem of the nervous system that causes repeated dizziness in people who have…

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is a form of physical therapy that uses specialized exercises that result in gaze and gait stabilization…

Vertigo – Dizziness

Vertigo is the feeling that you or your environment is moving , tilting, spinning or falling. It differs from dizziness in that vertigo…

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